Be Goal Smart ! Write Goal Thats...

A goal thats SMART is a goal thats successful. In this section, we will explore the criteria for the smart goal principle, for achieving optimum health womens health.

Many women don't truly know what changes they want to make to their health because they don't have, or take the time to find out. Are you one of them? While You may have a vague notion, this vagueness is what ultimately influence all your decisions about your choices on health.

How many of the following apply to you right now:

  • Are you far too busy to prioritise your health?

  • Are you over prioritising a particular area at the expense of another?

  • Are you locked into the 'I'll do it tomorrow syndrome?

  • Are you looking to learn 'how', instead of being told what you need to do?

  • Do you want to be shown exactly how to write a goal thats smart?

  • I'm guessing that at least one of these relate to an attitude you presently hold about your health, womens health etc.,

    Womens health life is defined here as your physical, food and nutrition, mental and emotional health and your beauty fitness health.

    All these areas can be significantly enhanced when you start setting personal goal thats achievable, applying the goal thats smart principle.

    Resolve today to have a healthy life balance by applying 'the goal thats smart' principle.

    Learning how to write smart goals will put you in the driving seat, enabling you to achieve your health ambitions - the rewards for which will be greater than you can imagine. And just think, you have your own personal life coach buddy right here to motivate you toward that momentous goal - that's me of course!

    Please don't be tempted to skip any part of the goal setting process. I know it's exciting to get started but I assure you that if you work through all the information here and that, at personal goal setting and activity goal-setting, your patience will truly be rewarded.

    Note, a SMART goal is a successful goal. Besides, if you do, I'll know. How? Make it your smart goal to find out.

    The entire smart goal - personal setting process, will give you clarity and depth, helping you to make grounded and informed decisions like never before.

    For example, using the health wheel enables you to quickly and effectively identify your four health areas and how you are presently prioritising each.

    In addition, the five-part activity goal setting guidance will provide further terrific tips and support to facilitate your self-exploration and self-awareness throughout the personal goals settings process.

    You will also find quality information on how to not let you or other people sabotage your efforts.

    If you need further motivation to start applying the goal thats smart principle to your life, I can think of nothing better than to suggest you talk to other women with health issues, who may now wish they had taken more care. Better still, speak also with parents, grandparents and other elderly people. They will give you all the reasons as to:

  • Why you shouldn't take your health/life for granted

  • Why you should treasure every minute

  • The regrets about the 'dreams' they did not fulfill

  • what they would do differently, had they the time all over again

  • Let their regrets feed your motivation to change and to start doing things differently. Start applying the goal thats smart principle to your life today and set your personal smart goal for your health.

    The following section will help you to focus on the key goal smart principles you need to apply when setting goals and more importantly, how to personally write goal thats achievable.

    How To Write Smart goal thats achievable

    Your goals must fit the following criteria - that is, they must be 'SMART'

  • Specific: Clearly define your goal and what it will mean to you, achieving it

  • Measurable: You must be able to measure your progress toward your goal

  • Ambitious: Set your health goals to stretch you and take you out of your comfort zone

  • Realistic: Make sure your health goal is what you really believe you can achieve

  • Timed: A firm date by which you will achieve your goals

  • Now let's make sense of the 'a goal thats SMART is a goal thats successful' criteria. Imagine you are setting out on a journey to a place called Physical Health and Wellness.

    You want to be there by 5 p.m. tomorrow. You are going because being there will make you look, feel, and live your life better. When you feel good on the inside, you also look good on the outside. This can only spell one thing - you are living and enjoying better physical health. This is the Specific part of your goalsetting

    How will you know you are on the right road to physical health? Every so often, as with any journey, you check the sign posts to reassure you that you're going in the right direction - that you're on track. You also check your watch to see that the distance covered so far (maybe the half way point) is right on target for getting you there on time. This is the Measured part of your set goal.
    Don't be scared - set goals on an ambitious scale. By that I mean - don't simply play it safe by setting a goal that you know you can achieve blind-folded. This won't challenge you. Us women thrive on a healthy challenge. Heard about the X factor? Well this is the X in make it exciting.

    If you raise the bar a bit higher, just think what that will do for your esteem self and motivation once you have achieved your personal goal. Go for it!

    Making your personal goal ambitious should not cancel out the Realistic factor. For example, there's no point in planning your journey by car, if you don't drive. You will need to consider how you will get there. And relying on someone else's good-will to get you there - is a shakey start. Remember - make your goals Realistic and attainable.

    How will you know when you have arrived at the place called Physical Health? You will know because you will have set yourself a date and time by which you would get there. Remember that you checked your progress at the half way point - the reviewing stage, to see that you were on schedule.

    But most important of all, you will know that you are really there because you feel, look and are living your life better. This is the stage that represents your achievement of a SMART goal and thats a massive success. More importantly, that success came out of your applying the goal thats smart principle to your physical health and wellness. Now, doesn't that feel great just thinking about it?

    All set! Before you proceed I cannot stress enough the importance of using the health womens goal setting activity health wheel.

    If you haven't already done so, use it now It will help you to identify and to prioritise the health areas in which you want to set those all important goal or goals.

    Your awareness of your personal values is an important part of the goals settings process. Your success depends upon it. How intact are your values? - goals settings a recipe for success

    When you're ready to set your smart goal, check out this five-part activity goal setting guidance and free goal setting forms. Both the guidance and free goal setting forms will walk you smoothly through the entire goal settings process.

    For now - keep it positive, realistic and keep it to what you really want, that special goal thats - smart, remember!...

    "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten". (Anthony Robbins)

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