Emotional Health
Strategies For Building A Solid Foundation

Stress Management For Emotional Health And Wellness

Although stress affects health in undesirable ways, stress is nevertheless part and parcel of our every day life. As a natural biological function, stress allow us to adapt to life's challenges. At the other end of the spectrum however, stress affects health in detrimental ways when the levels being experienced is more than we are able to cope with.

It is therefore important to your health and wellness to be able to recognise early signs of stress and know when it is affecting you. If things are getting on top of you, there are proactive stress management steps you can take to promote your emotional wellbeing.

Health Womens Health offer the following suggestions for minimising and combating stress, while promoting emotional wellness in the process:

Emotional Health Promotion Strategies

  • Get into the practice of learning to listen to your body and to the signals it is sending you. You'll find the resources at Wellness Monitor and Emotional Dimension of Wellness, useful stress health tools.

  • When you're busy taking care of everyone else, make a point of taking time out for yourself. Set aside some quality time where you can listen to some soothing music, read a book, or even to have a facial. Your stress management success will largely depend on your willingness to make the necessary changes for emotional health.

  • Learn to relax more. Wonderful relaxation methods include Yoga, Massage Therapy and Transcendental Meditation.

  • Make sure you get enough sleep, which will help your mind, body and stress health.

  • Ensure you eat a Healthy Balanced Diet. You will also find it helpful to join in at health nutrition, where you can access useful articles, catch up on the latest nutrition news, share your health nutrition views or concerns, help and get help from other women.

  • Regular physical exercise is essential for stress management, especially since physical symptoms of stress can fluctuate and may gradually emerge over time or suddenly appear. Incorporate some form of physical exercise into your day. This will help with your mood and relieve tension. Join in, share and allow others to share with you at Health Womens health related fitness forum.

  • Draw on the support structure provided by your friends. Talking is a great way of relieving stress and will also help you to get different perspectives on an issue. It will also remind you that you're not alone. Why not pop over to Health Womens How Does Stress Affect Health Forum. You can write your own emotional health or stress health story or commentary as well as catching up on what other women are saying about stress and emotional health.

  • Pursue an interest of your own; something you like and enjoy doing. This will prevent you from turning to unhealthy habits such as over-eating, alcohol, drugs, smoking etc., You'll find the following resources helpful in overcoming the 'problem'-oriented, health issue in women mindset, as well as learning how to nurture your Woman Health and Happiness quotient.

  • Journalingis an excellent stress relief technique. It will help you to get things off your chest and work through challenging issues. Your journal will also serve as a good listener, as well as helping you to talk freely about your feelings without fear of being judged.

  • While the above guidance refers to short-term stress as a health issue in women, you must seek professional help when you need it, or should you be experiencing longer-term stress. Help can include therapeutic intervention to assist you work through stress disorders or you can be prescribed medication to ease the sympthoms of depression or anxiety.

  • Stress represent a very understated health issue in women. The the above are just a few of the many stress and emotional health management strategies you can employ in your stress-reduction and stress busting efforts. You'll find a wealth of resources, health and wellness womens exercises throughout the site, that can help you on your way to a happier, healthier and balanced life.

    Read Part One: What Is Emotional Health

    "Great results will follow if you allow yourself to solve difficult problems"

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